Beyond NVC in School

Beyond Nonviolent Communication in School

I Climbed Mount Stupid – Here Is What I Learned: Beyond Nonviolent Communication In School

Some nine years ago, the Danish boarding school Efterskolen Epos was founded on the principles of Nonviolent Communication, after years of preparation. Today, it flourishes, but over the years, it has met many challenges. With time, it has changed and developed to meet more needs, and to adjust for a broader understanding of how a school can work. How can anyone working with Nonviolent Communication in school learn from this?
Join Mathias Granum, co-founder of Efterskolen Epos, in conversation with Gabriel Stille from The Association of Nonviolent Communication in Sweden, and find out!
To take part, follow the zoom link: No registry required.
Language: English
The talk is part of the event Nonviolent Communication i skolan, co-hosted by Glokala folkhögskolan, Föreningen Nonviolent Communication i Sverige och Malmö NVC Community.




13:10 - 14:00
Kategori (kryssa i Övriga)

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